The darts are clearly marked on your pattern. There are the center darts that thin the waist line and then there is a dart that shapes the fabric for your breasts.

Find a bright window with not too much light. Tape your pattern to the window. (Don't use duct tape. You will rip your pattern trying to remove it. I don't know why I am tell you this... I am certain I am the only one who would be silly enough to do such a thing.) Then tape your cut shirt piece directly over the pattern. Make sure you are tracing your darts on the wrong side, meaning the side that will be on the inside of the shirt.

They should be really easy to see, unless the light from your window is too bright or too dark. Then take a pencil, or an old piece of white soap, or a fabric marking pen and trace the darts.

Then remove the cut piece and you are done. You will have to flip the pattern piece over to trace the other panel. Again make sure you are tracing your darts to the wrong side of the cut shirt piece.

Time to do the back. Tape the pattern for the back of the shirt to the window. Trace the darts on one half of the shirt.

Flip the pattern over. Then trace the darts on the other half of the back of the cut shirt piece. Again, make sure you are tracing them on the wrong side of the shirt back. The pattern should be more pronounced on the shirt front. If it is not then it will make little difference which side you use.

You are done. Easy Peasy. If you have any questions about tracing darts leave a comment.
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