You must finish any exposed edges on the shirt. If you don't, they will fray and gradually undo your work. You can finish edges by burning them, (I don't recomend this for a large garment like a shirt. I can see it all now. Your shirt is going up in flames.)using your zigzag stich on your sewing machine, folding the seam over and sewing a straight line. You can serge the seams which is what I did. Don't see a serger and think, I don't have one of those I can't refashion. You can refashion. I have been too lazy to get my serger out and thread it, which is a pain in the butt, and have often used a zigzag stich on my sewing machine. However, if you really love refashioning and sewing clothes it would be a good long term goal to get one.

Just run the serger along the side seams and the shoulder seams you just sewed, or a zigzag stich.

Done. Click
here for a great link on finished seams.
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