Lay your sleeve so the seam is in the center then measure out about 2 1/2" from the center seam. Then place a pin at each of these points.

We are going to sew a basting line between these two pins. Increase your seam allowance as high as it will go. Mine goes up to a 4.

Then sew between your two pins.

It should look like this.

Lift one of your upper threads and pull gently. Your stitch should gather. Pull your threads until your seam is gathered tightly.

It should look like this.

Find the shoulder seam of your shirt and align it with the center of your gathered sleeve. You can bearly make out my thumb but it is under the shoulder seam. You can bearly make out my fingers but they are inside the sleeve. I am going to pinch these two pieces together lining up the raw edge of the sleeve and the raw edge of the arm hole on my shirt.

It will look like this. This will ensure right sides are together. Try to line up the side seam of your shirt with the sew lines on the sleeve. This will make your sewing look professional. Also, if the sleeve isn't quite fitting, we want an exact fit, then pull on your gather threads and gather it a little tighter or loosen the gather threads. Make sure the sleeve fits the arm hole perfectly. Then you are going to pin these two pieces together.

You will be sewing in a circle again. When you come to your starting stitch keep running over it until you have sewn over at least three stitches. Then clip your threads.

It should look like this. This is the arm hole and the sleeve sewn together.

Notice the seam on the sleeve and the side seam of the shirt are lined up.

Then serge off your raw edge. You can also use other methods previously discussed.

There you are. You now have a shirt with sleeves.
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