Pinch the fabric with your fingers.

Pin along the dart lines.

I usually put pins on the end and in the middle. You can put more pins in if you want.

Folow the lines you have drawn with your needle. There should be a nitch in your pressure foot showing you were the needle will fall. Line the nitch up with the line you have drawn and sew. Remember avoid sewing over your pins. Stop when you come to a pin and remove the pin and then continue on. Also, a sharp needle and good thread will be your best friends in the sewing processes.

Then you will do the dart under the arm.

Again, line your pressure foot nitch up with your drawn line and sew.

You will have two darts in the back of your shirt similar to the one down the center of your shirt on the front except a little larger. Pinch, pin, and sew. Then you are done with your darts. So easy.

Look all done.

You will want to press your darts with an iron, so they will look crisp and just pulled off the store's self good.
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